Friday, September 13, 2013


     So I've started taking this pretty cool new supplement called Protandim. What makes this supplement different from the others, you say? 3 things: glutathione, oxidative stress, and free radicals. I realize you probably have no idea what those are, but I'll explain. 
    As we age and become exposed to toxins, stress, radiation, pollution, and other harmful things, our cells are damaged. This is known as oxidative stress. Free radicals are the little tiny molecules that cause the damage. Studies have found that this damage is the cause of many chronic diseases and cancers as well as aging.  Protandim helps to reduce oxidative stress by reducing the number of free radicals in your body. It's showing promising results in slowing aging and improving chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, Parkinson's, and many others. 
     So what about this other thing I mentioned: glutathione? Glad you asked. Glutathione is an essential enzyme that supports almost every system in the human body, especially the immune system, nervous system, gastrointestinal system, and lungs. Research has shown that people on the autism spectrum have lower levels of this essential enzyme. People with bipolar disorder have also shown to have lower levels of glutathione. Having both autism and bipolar disorder, it is very possible I have lower levels of this enzyme. Research also shows that people with lower levels of glutathione might have a defect in a specific gene. They can't make enough glutathione. It's been said up to half of us have some kind of defect in this gene, and it causes all kinds of chronic diseases and cancers. Protandim helps increase antioxidants needed to produce glutathione. 
     I have high hopes that Protandim will work for me and will improve my autism and bipolar symptoms. I would encourage everyone to try this supplement, even if you don't suffer from a chronic condition. Even healthy people have some level of oxidative stress; it's just not as high as those of us with chronic conditions.

"I live in the same world you do; I just experience it differently. I am a human being with feelings, just like you; I just express them in my own way." ~Me~ 

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