Saturday, September 24, 2011

Shut That Horn Up!

     Ok, so I went to my younger brother's football game tonight.  I love football and watching my younger brother.  This game, however, wasn't so delightful.  First of all, my brother didn't even get to play much because he got hurt last week.  Last week, we were afraid he may have broken the smaller bone of the lower leg.  Luckily, we found out he just has a deep muscle bruise.  He still has some pain, though.  
     Second, we had to drive almost 3 hours to get to the town we were playing in.  It was such a long car ride.  Lucky for me, riding in the car puts me in some kind of trance, and I can just stare out of the window forever.  And that's pretty much what I did while listening to the radio.  Third, it was just a bad game.  The refs were horrible.  They were making terrible calls, and we just couldn't get a break.  
     However, the worst thing for me was the horn the other team kept blasting every time they scored.  It was so loud!  Even a normal person would find this horn hard to tolerate after a while.  However, if you're someone on the autism spectrum, like me, it makes your toes curl every time.  Each time they scored, I prepared myself and covered my ears because I just couldn't stand the sound.  Imagine my surprise the first time they blew it.  I had no idea it was coming and couldn't prepare myself.  Also, the other team scored 71 points.  That's a lot of times to blow that horn, even in football!  By the end of the game, I wanted to go over there and break that horn.  That's just one example of the sensitive hearing I have as an Aspie.

"I live in the same world you do; I just experience it differently.  I am a human being with feelings, just like you; I just express them in my own way."  ~Me~

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