Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Stigmatization of Autism

     In one of my psychology classes, we are talking about labeling and how certain labels put a stigma on people. There are obvious things that have stigmas associated with them, such as being a criminal, having a mental disorder, or committing certain sins. However, I never realized having autism could have such a stigma attached to it. I'm used to people being uneducated and unaware. I've been fighting that since my diagnosis. But I have only recently experienced people associate a negative stigma with my autism. 
     I recently started online dating. There are several reasons I decided to start dating this way, but I won't get into those today. Obviously, there are certain things you don't disclose to people right away. I decided from the beginning not to share that I have autism or bipolar disorder, as those are two things that I want to share when I know someone better. I have talked to a couple of guys and gotten to know them. When the opportunity presented itself, I would tell them about my autism. All but one of them stopped talking to me after that. The one that accepted it, we stopped talking for another reason. It really shocked me that these guys, on a Christian dating site who are supposed to be men of God, can't even accept that about me. It makes me think, "If they can't accept that I have autism, they definitely won't be able to accept that I have bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder has an even bigger negative stigma attached to it." In a way, it's very discouraging. That it's going to be hard for me to find someone who accepts me for who I am and everything that comes with me. I mean, I've always kind of been afraid of that, but the reactions of these guys is making it worse. 
     I just keep reminding myself that God has made someone that's just right for me and, in His perfect timing, I will find him. I have to trust Him. 

"I live in the same world you do; I just experience it differently. I am a human being with feelings, just like you; I just express them in my own way." ~Me~